It's a priviledge having the opportunity to work for German and international church and non-profit organizations to help their causes and present themselves adequately.
Some projects Katrin has worked for:
Tanzania: Iringa and surrounding: Huruma-Centre, Ipalamwa School, Lutangilo School and other projects of Iringa Dioceses, Tanzania
Palästinensische Autonomiegebiete: Thalita Kumi School, Bait Dschala/Bethlehem
Germany: EKD, EKBO, Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche, Ev. Kirchenkreis Wilmersdorf, Kirchengemeinde Am Lietzensee
Guatemala: CAFNIMA (working with children from garbage dump), Iglesia Luterana La Epifanía, Kindernothilfe, Ministry of Education, AWO International
Every year a calendar is published and sold to help social projects of the German speaking Lutheran church in Guatemala.
Have a look at La Epifanía's bimonthly boletin at or my calender samples (pdf files)